
What is ECommergy?


Think of ECommergy as your ecommerce pro shop. Designed specifically as a one-stop resource to help transform entrepreneurs like you into successful ecommerce experts, ECommergy comes packed with updated, timely information every online business owner should know, including:

✔ "Best of the best" articles, videos, and audios from across the web, hand-selected and curated by us and other experts in ecommerce.

✔ Exclusive articles and other content.

✔ New content added daily.

✔ Exclusive "Ask An Expert" feature that lets you get your questions personally answered by ecommerce experts at no additional cost.

✔ Sophisticated search engine helps you find the exact content you're looking for fast and easy.

✔ Peer ratings and reviews.

✔ A variety of tools and features for managing your favorite articles, reading lists, etc.

✔ More!

A full-access monthly ECommergy subscription starts at just $9.95—just $.33 a day to help pave the way for your online success and profits!

Note that ECommergy is 100% generic (it's not a site for soliciting people for SFI or any other biz app). 

Anyone who's in ecommerce...or wants to be...or should be...are potential subscribers!


A big part of ECommergy's strength is derived from its exclusive focus on small business owners and internet entrepreneurs of ALL experience levels. Anyone who's in ecommerce...or wants to be...or should be utilizing ecommerce...are potential subscribers! That makes ECommergy an ideal product for you and PRAs to market. And with the ability to earn commissions on all subscribers, ECommergy a great potential moneymaker for SFI Affiliates! 

What's more, because ECommergy is a 100% digital product with no shipping costs or hassles, delivery is instantaneous worldwide. Your new subscribers literally can be enjoying ECommergy within seconds, no matter where they live in the world!

To start marketing ECommergy, just refer potential subscribers

to your customized EC Gateway URL:

Q: When did ECommergy make its official debut?

ECommergy was launched on April 1st, 2019.

Q: How do I change my existing Auto-Delivery order to an ECommergy subscription?

Just click here to see a listing at TripleClicks of the ECommergy subscriptions. Click the one you want, then select the Add To Cart button and follow the check out procedure.

Q: How do you pronounce ECommergy?

Think of how "e-comm" in the word ecommerce is pronounced...then just add "er-gee" to the end. So, "ee-COMM-er-gee."

Q: Can't I get much of what's in ECommergy by just finding it online?

For some of the content, yes, but articles in the ECommergy directory are hand-selected by experienced members of the ecommerce industry. And without a subscription to ECommergy, you'll completely miss out on our exclusive content, programs, and features. Just $.33 a day (less than $10 a month) for access to content that could explode your growth and earnings is an outstanding deal.

Q: Is a product that is a subscription better?

Historically, the subscription model is responsible for some of the largest ongoing, revenue streams for companies ever (e.g. Apple, Spotify, YouTube). We've also had subscription products in the past that were very successful. The key is that you often put the same effort into selling a product that's purchased once (and earning you a commission ONCE)...versus a subscription that can represent a sale that keeps generating commissions for you for months and even years to come!

Q: If I were talking to a friend or coworker about ECommergy, could I give them immediate access to ECommergy (via a trial subscription) from my phone?

Yes. The system is fully mobile-friendly. So you have the ability to hand out day passes instantly...and everywhere you go, too!

Q: Can I give the same person a free trial subscription more than one time?

No, the limit is once.

Q: What if I provide day pass access to a friend who then decides to join SFI under me?

That's fine. And because joining SFI shows they have a clear interest in building a successful ecommerce business, they'll be an excellent candidate for an ongoing, monthly subscription.

Q: Is giving out free trial subscriptions an effective marketing strategy?

Throughout the history of marketing, free trials are one of THE most proven methods for attracting customers and generating sales.

Q: How exactly do I go about about giving a prospect a free trial subscription to ECommergy?

First, of course, you need to have a subscription yourself. Assuming you have this, you need only to promote ECommergy and say, "Ask me for a free trial subscription!" Get their email address and enter it at the Trial Subscription Manager along with the day pass you want to give them.

Q: Are local businesses good prospects for ECommergy?

Yes, they are among the very best prospects in fact...because they're already in business and likely know, at least subconsciously, that they need to incorporate more ecommerce. A subscription to ECommergy is "just what the doctor ordered" for them!

Q: How about restaurants? Do they need ECommergy?

Yes, it's an internet world we live in now and virtually every business needs to implement at least some forms of ecommerce (e.g. social media marketing) if they want to flourish and not be squeezed out by other businesses actively using ecommerce. We even are creating special fliers for restaurants. Download one, make photocopies, and be sure you leave one with your payment/tip whenever you dine out. You will absolutely attract subscribers if you do this consistently.

Q: If a prospective subscriber said to me, "Why should I subscribe?," how should I answer?

Here are some ideas:

  • Trying to figure out how to get started in ecommerce without the assistance of experts is just asking for pain and frustration! "Reinventing the wheel" is crazy when you can go from zero to 60 in no time with ECommergy's experts and curated content showing you the way.
  • $9.97 a month is just $.33 a day. Just one idea from ECommergy put into practice could be worth thousands of dollars in extra income every year. The modest cost of a subscription shouldn't even be a consideration for anyone serious about building a successful business...of any kind.
  • If your prospect has a retail business, you might refer them to articles like and .

Q: Will there be a mobile app for ECommergy for mobile devices?

We will certainly be exploring this possibility. In the meantime, has been built to be fully mobile-friendly and should work great on all mobile devices.

Q: Who are the best prospects for ECommergy?

We believe small, locally-owned business are prime prospects because they are everywhere, are easily accessed, and already have a business and are probably willing to invest in solutions for growing their business (i.e. a subscription to ECommergy so they can grow their business by expanding into ecommerce). And then there are of course many, many millions of people who would love to have an internet business to make extra money with. They're good prospects, too.

Q: How would I market ECommergy to, say, a person I meet at a social gathering?

In addition to various marketing aids (cards, fliers, etc.), you could also market with just a few words. For example, ask someone what they do for a living. When they ask you what YOU do, you could tell them that you're a representative for, a site that helps people build ecommerce businesses. Perhaps mention that $4 TRILLION in online sales was projected for 2020 alone, so it's a huge growing industry. If they show any interest at all, tell them that, as a representative, you can comp them a free trial subscription for X days. Then just get their email address so you can enter it when you get home. And if you really want to impress them, consider fulfilling their trial subscription on the spot from your smartphone. Note: Don't mention SFI or the SFI business opportunity at this time, as it will just complicate matters and quite possibly cause the person to reject your offer for a free trial subscription for fear of being hounded about a business opportunity.

Q: So I've got the email address of the prospect. Should I follow up with them after I've given them their free trial subscription?

First, remember that the act of entering their email address into the Day Pass Manager already automatically launches a professional, customized follow-up autoresponder series we've created, so a follow-up by you is not required (we're taking care of that for you).  However, depending on your relationship with the person, you may want to send a quick follow-up to see how they're liking ECommergy after a few days.   At some point, perhaps, SFI could be brought up to them, too...but we recommend that you hold off until we've developed a formal system and a training guide for this.  Sending unsolicited emails is the definition of spam, especially emails about business opportunities, so it's VITAL that you follow our guidelines or you can risk losing your internet account, being fined, and more.