A very good question since success in SFI is contingent on sponsoring and duplicating affiliates. Both methods of buying or learning to sponsor affiliates can be useful but I would look at both the cost involved and the quality of affiliates that can be obtained.
The cost of purchasing affiliates will be depend on the avenues you use. SFI, through auctions or private sellers are available but the cost can be exorbitant. You can also acquire them through paid advertising which can also be pretty high. Therefore, it depends on how much you are willing to invest.
On the other hand, you can acquire affiliates through free advertising sites, billboards, magazines, etc. if you are prepared to spend the time creating your own advertisements and aggressively using the social networks such as face book, Twitter, email and others.
With regard to the quality of affiliates you may acquire, there is no guarantee. Some may work, while others may have only signed up out of curiosity. Since you did not have a chance to communicate with that PSA personally, it may be difficult to find out their reason for their interest. The affiliate whom you personally sponsor through direct contact or what we would call warm advertising would be more likely to be the gem you are looking for – the consistent worker, the team player.
On a personal note, I have never purchased an affiliate. I won some in a contest and not many proved to be consistent or productive. However, I have had the privilege of sponsoring others. Since I focus on quality and not quantity, I have a direct communication network with each and together we make a dynamic team. Personally sponsor a few and work with them to be consistent. Then encourage them to do the same with their group.
My suggestion is that you do not allow time constraints to be the motivating factor in your decision. It does not take long to give a friend or co-worker some info about SFI. They may also see your actions everyday, or you may be able to share your experiences with them over lunch, coffee break, etc.
A very good question since success in SFI is contingent on sponsoring and duplicating affiliates. Both methods of buying or learning to sponsor affiliates can be useful but I would look at both the cost involved and the quality of affiliates that can be obtained.
The cost of purchasing affiliates will be depend on the avenues you use. SFI, through auctions or private sellers are available but the cost can be exorbitant. You can also acquire them through paid advertising which can also