CSAs are either a "gift" when qualifying as EA or Team Leader (second Home CSAs) or won through Pricebenders Auctions, in the Daily Grand or in the Entrepreneur365 Finalist drawing
As I have noticed the CSAs received upon EA qualification are new sign-ups and the chances to become active are the same as any PSA we get through advertising. Second home CSAs have, more or less, indicated their status as they have alrready been with SFI at least for one month.
What I do is, send them a TeamMail message to introduce myself as their Co-sponsor (or new co-sponsor), welcome them to my team and offer my assistance whenever they require it. Then I monitor their activity through the MOVERS page and give them some advice or try to get their attention on certain points, like, for example, when they are below the green line or motivate them to reach the next rank when they are close to.
I always include them all to my weekly e-mail/TeamMail group messages, trying to motivate them along with my inactive PSAs and offering my help. And from time to time one or two of them will be motivated and start their activity with SFI.
However, as I have to work with my active dowline, I do not afford more time to the ones that remain silent and inactive unless I'll be approached by them.
CSAs are either a "gift" when qualifying as EA or Team Leader (second Home CSAs) or won through Pricebenders Auctions, in the Daily Grand or in the Entrepreneur365 Finalist drawing
As I have noticed the CSAs received upon EA qualification are new sign-ups and the chances to become active are the same as any PSA we get through advertising. Second home CSAs have, more or less, indicated their status as they have alrready been with SFI at least for one month.
What I do