I believe every affiliate should sell something on TripleClicks. It's prime space for an audience that is ready to enjoy consumerism. The demographic of the Tripleclicks domain according to Alexa suggests that most people that visit the site access it from home, are male, and are from india & south africa. This means that those customers are ready to shop TripleClicks because we accept payment for goods and ship to those customer when other major sites and retailers don't.
However, everyone is not meant to be a store owner. It is a grave responsibility and customer service is paramount. TripleClicks is your superstore although having an ECA would sweeten the deal. Never forget that all commissionable products at TripleClicks are tracked by a unique link tied to your affiliate id. You can product a product or another ECA altogether and produce sales. At the end of the day, it's a lot more simple to let someone else handle all of the burden and you can get a piece of the action just by promoting the product or the ECA.
I believe every affiliate should sell something on TripleClicks. It's prime space for an audience that is ready to enjoy consumerism. The demographic of the Tripleclicks domain according to Alexa suggests that most people that visit the site access it from home, are male, and are from india & south africa. This means that those customers are ready to shop TripleClicks because we accept payment for goods and ship to those customer when other major sites and retailers don't.