SFI is the affiliate marketing arm of TripleClicks. TripleClicks serves as the payment processor for all TripleClicks transactions. They provide customer service and a listing service. The domain is high traffic and the orders are sent to your ECA account for fulfillment. It is a wonderful arrangement when the customers understand how it works. They place orders at TripleClicks. The ECA pays a small fee to TripleClicks of at least 15% and fills the order. Once Tripleclicks verified the product is shipped to the customer payment is made to ECA retroactively by Tripleclicks. Payments are held in escrow to protect customers from dishonest ECAs and the protect ECAs from dishonest customers.
SFI is the affiliate marketing arm of TripleClicks. TripleClicks serves as the payment processor for all TripleClicks transactions. They provide customer service and a listing service. The domain is high traffic and the orders are sent to your ECA account for fulfillment. It is a wonderful arrangement when the customers understand how it works. They place orders at TripleClicks. The ECA pays a small fee to TripleClicks of at least 15% and fills the order. Once Tripleclicks verified the product ...more