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What was your greatest challenge to success in SFI...and how did you overcome it?

3565 votes

, Aff () 5/8/2014 12:35 pm

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Michael!
The answer to your question is the very essence and summary of what SFI is about.
Nearly all the questions raised here at ASK SC relate to this one, one way or the other.

The doors to success will open to us, if we correctly identify the greatest challenge we are facing and we overcome it.
Even when we meet such a challenge, it will still be with us, because it is part of being a successful SFI Affiliate.

What is the challenge?


What is the best strategy to become a Platinum Team Leader?

3537 votes

, Aff () 7/22/2014 10:34 am

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Geraldine Cabanero!

Platinum Team Leader (PTL)rank is the external sign of SFI Success.

Those who have achieved it work to maintain it
Those of us who have not yet, work to reach it.

I have noticed one or two good answers to your question. They basically rephrase and expand the SFI definition and requirements for reaching the rank, then go on to explain how you can score the 4000 actions points needed.

However there is more to it than the definition

What should you say to your PSAs when they say they are going to quit because they are putting out more than they are receiving?

3513 votes

, Aff () 7/22/2014 11:41 am

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Diana Fields!

We have been, lately, having some repeated questions about quitting.

I. What your question may mean
For me, this is an expression of introspection and self interrogations that can be translated as:

(1) Is SFI for me?
(2) How soon can I expect a positive cash flow?
(3) What is the most cost effective way to grow my SFI Business.

These are legitimate questions, all of which relate to the investments in time and resources

How is building a second income with a company like SFI beneficial to me?

3487 votes

, Aff () 7/22/2014 11:11 am

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Muhammad Aznul!

Your SFI earnings can be your second income if you aremployed elsewhere.

It can also be your first income, if you choose to focus most your time, resources and energy on to building this business.

Either way, it is both the vision of have of SFI and the goals you have set for yourself that will determine how much it is going to be beneficial to you.

I. SFI's Benefits are on an individual Basis.

What you get from SFI will

What are the easiest ways to become an EA (Executive Affiliate) every month?

3474 votes

, Aff () 7/22/2014 10:53 am

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Harshit Saini!

Let's look at your question and how to benefit from it

I. The Straight answer: Standing Order (SO) or Other Alternative Ways

Well, everybody is telling that it is through a monthly Standing Order (SO) of 1500 VP or more, and the most effective way is an investment of $36.25 for 125 TCredits you can use to bid on auctions, list products and or play all the games SFI has to offer.

Others outline for you secondary ways to re-quality for

How do I convince someone to try SFI when they've had bad experiences previously with online businesses?

3467 votes

, Aff () 5/8/2014 4:22 pm

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Best Greetings to you, Natasa
Ironically those who are worthy to recruit and sponsor into SFI are the easiest to convince after they have had previous negative experiences with online marketing.
We know that the majority of today’s online businesses are questionable, not properly planned, and not correctly designed. Most of them are hasty attempts to enroll people with the highest fees payable either upfront or very shortly after.
Hence, this situation offers two major advantages

What should new affiliates NOT do in their first month?

3318 votes

, Aff () 5/8/2014 2:55 pm

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi, Natasa!
I am glad you asked this timely question.
What new affiliates do in their first month will either
(i) Speed up their success, or
(ii) Hinder it and make it difficult for them to recover from their early mistakes
The first month is critical.
Your question is timely for we all need to be fully aware of it, as team leaders.
It is also a timeless question, as every day, new affiliates are faced with it.
So, what is it?
Build a Sound Knowledge

What makes you persevere with SFI and not quit?

3284 votes

, Aff () 7/21/2014 10:20 am

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Teresa.

Is-it perseverance that brings back you daily to SFI, as if you are making an effort?

For me, it is the positive feeling: the enjoyment of being part of SFI.

There are three reasons for my enjoyment.

1. The friendships I have built

2. The income I am making

3. SFI is part of my overall plan to build lasting wealth

I. SFI is a network of friends
I have been with SFI for over 7 months now. I have built

What is the best way to set up an advertising co-op for my affiliates?

3263 votes

, Aff () 4/16/2014 5:11 pm

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
You have basically three options for setting up and advertising co-op for you and your downline.
A. The first option is to set it outside of SFI. Then you are merely building an advertising and a marketing tool like any other online marketer. You will have to make sure that you are complying with SFI’s rules of communication with affiliates, whether they are personally sponsored or co-sponsored affiliate or whether they are your a2a friends. This question is being discussed at Ask SC as well

Which is more effective--distributing TCards online or in person?

3245 votes

, Aff () 7/21/2014 10:51 am

Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Marty Mccommon

TC Gifts Cards are a marketing tool.

To answer your question, one should look at which market you are using this tool.

a. If your target is your warm market, then in person, (or offline) might be the most effective way.

b. If you are using TC Gift cards to attract a larger population of potential prospects, then definitely, online distribution is the most effective.

c. When you start using TC Gift cards, you may aim at
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